Chris Shade
Age: 10-15
Ancestry: Mojave/Latino

Christopher Shade and the Finding Shade storyline are copyrighted.  The pictures shown are not mine, however.

Gabriel "Whetstone" Stone
Age: 58

Former MI-5 Counter-Intelligence, Field Operations Specialist.
Interpol Most Wanted #18

The Finding Shade storyline depicts realistic events. Trigger Warning is in effect.

~ January, 1945~

The German War Machine had progressed at an unprecedented rate with the finalization of the V-2 Rocket program. An unprecedented design with the most effective missile guidance system of its time. Formerly radiographs and ground-level Doppler, which required real-time adjustments during the rocket's flight using short-term engine cut-offs, there was no way to steer the rocket and human errors caused the majority of a salvo to "Air Burst" or explode upon re-entering the atmosphere. This was all solved by Tagiyako Okitana; lead researcher for Japan's secret human experimentation camp Unit 731. Their attempts to weaponize technology with human engineering were well underway but far from credible, however they had successfully engineered a new type of microchip. A revolution in computation power and decreased size (about as big as a USD half dollar) these devices could be programmed with minimalistic instructions and calculations to guide a rocket aimed half way across the world. Before these microchips could be delivered into the hands of the Nazi's, Unit 731 was shut down by the OSS just weeks before the Japanese surrendered. Most of the data was destroyed as the allies began occupying Germany and what little there was to collect was captured by the OSS.

~ July, 1957 ~

As the age of the computer came under way, American Scientist and CIA Analyst Ronald Haggard uncovered the archived data from Unit 731. After being unable to interest anyone in persuing the research, Haggard leaked the guidance system to Texas Instruments for the sum of $15,000. A decade later, this guidance system would evolve into "Fly By Wire" and lead Neil Armstrong to the surface of the moon.

~ February, 1976 ~

Miniaturization continued on the computer, further improved by MOS Technologies to be cheaper and more effective, leading to Stephen Wozniak and Steve Jobs to develop the first Apple computer.

~ Early 1980's ~

The computer wars. Miniaturization continued year after year; Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Intel; all battling for control of the field while DARPA quietly stepped leagues ahead designing a microchip so small it could not be seen with the naked eye and found to fit neatly within the human Cardiovascular system.

~ 1986 ~

The now retired Ronald Haggard is found murdered in his apartment in Oklahoma. After a lengthy investigation, the US Government retrieves the Unit 731 plans and hands them over to DARPA. With stem cell research on the verge of orgasm and human rights conflicts erupting around the country, the US quietly purchases an island within the Black Sea to begin dissecting the Unit 731 research. Originally acquired as a staging area for what would be known as the Gulf War, Area 19 (later codenamed Flagstone) would become a US black site facility for unofficial, completely disavowed and highly classified human genetic experimentation.

~ 1990 ~

DARPA successfully develops a fully autonomous AI program for the new Nanomachine technology (codenamed Starburst after a "flaw" in the devices which causes them to break apart under direct UV light). The first thing they attempted was to map the human genome. The nanomachines could travel about the human body completely undetected and relay back information to a database. During testing, a programming error caused the nanomachines to attack the immune system. This resulted in immediate death. The resolution was to force the devices learn the human genome from inception. With experimentation on genetic manipulation and artificial, vat-grown children was taking place on Flagstone; the idea to combine the two projects began.

~ 1992 ~

Chris Shade is born on the island, along with seven others spanning vastly different genetic details covering %91 of extreme genetic ranges. Each child was created using very select donors and the nanomachines were included in the artificial bio-filtrated embryonic fluid.

~ 2002 ~

Operation Enduring Freedom gets underway. Iranian satellite spots Flagstone from orbit. Iran claims the island to belong to Iraq as a secret Nuclear Weapons facility. USS Yorktown launches a BGM-109A Tomahawk Cruise Missile armed with a W80 Nuclear Warhead at Flagstone. The United States' official response was that the island was abandoned but their "intel" suggested the island held several dismantled nuclear missiles left behind from the Gulf War and did not want them falling into the hands of Middle Eastern Extremists. Presumed killed were 21 engineers (including civilian computer programmers, hardware designers and mathemeticians), a CIA "security analyst" liaison, 6 nurses aids, 2 neurosurgeons, 3 cardiovascular specialists, 2 human genome specialists, 6 Navy MP's, 1 Navy Lieutenant and all 7 children.

~ 3 weeks later ~

Chris washes up on the shores of Sevastopol in the Crimean peninsula.

Chris Shade
Age: 15-18

~ Earliest Playable Age (2007) ~

As Chris grew up in the war-torn middle east and became involved in anti-US terrorist efforts with Jihadist's loyal to Bin Laden. Gabriel Stone, a defector from the British SAS and experienced military instructor, took on Chris as a trainable asset. Stone extended Chris' training in Martial Arts and began teaching him Krav Maga, popular with Israeli's Mossad Intelligence Services. For years he played an unwitting role in attacking the United States military and was key in the successful operation in Kurzikstan where more than two hundred soldiers were killed. After five years of this, Chris became trapped in a counter offensive, pinched in the small village of Paziki between the Marines and a consolidated effort between the British and Australian Special Services, he encountered a man that facilited his escape.

After helping him escape, Stone offered him his final graduation. Assassinating the Director of National Intelligence John McConnell while he attended a conference in Paris.

Chris Shade
Age: 18-24

Founded in 2006 and based in Atlanta Georgia, Synergen is a technology company unlocking the power of biology. We deliver better economics for products made from biology that are used across industries, bring new products to market faster, and develop novel products. We are engineering biology predictably, reliably and to a level of performance previously unattainable.

* And we secretly cross technology with human genetics, host involuntary testing on living subjects, sanitize any incriminating evidence and all funded by the Defense Department Budget while hiding behind the Patriot Act.

Airotec Labs

Cutting edge science in the pursuit of automation, artificial intelligence and weapons.

Synergen Biotics

Leading the global industry in Biological Technologies, Syngergen provided partial development of the V1 Nanomachines and has recently completed pre-production trials on V2.

Chris Shade
Age: 25


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