Calliway Entreri
Age: 28

Born in Volgograd, Calliway always had a knack for electronics.  She performed her first act of cyber terrorism at the age of eleven when she hacked into TORI: Tsifrovoy Obespechennyye Rossii Informatsiya, a KGB computer database (similar to the data mining server farms of the NSA) and altered the names of several high ranking Kremlin officials to derogatory terms.

She was never arrested for her crime because the following year the Soviet Union collapsed and the database was partially destroyed by USSR loyalists covering up evidence of war crimes.  Calliway's trail wasn't picked up again until she joined the United States Navy at the age of sixteen after having submitted altered Social Security documentation declaring her an American Citizen and two years older.  She maintained her cover for four consecutive years as a Navy Communications Officer until December 31st 1999 when she executed an elaborate prank hijacking four ECHELON-Class electronic signal interception satellites, cancelling out all American and United Kingdom forms of communication equipment including anything with an FM-Band, K-Band or X-Band frequency to broadcast "BoB - I've Got the Magic In Me" over 3 Billion devices between the two countries at the stroke of midnight.

At Twenty-Two, Calliway was officially offered a position with the National Security Agency as a communications specialist and computer programmer or up to life in prison for a variety of capital crimes.  She, of course, accepted.

None of this prevented her from continuing to do business on the side under the alias "m1zTr1x".


~Everette's Reality (Alternate)~

Calliway finds herself facing a near-death experience when a demon enters her home from another dimension.  Its has no interest in her, but its mere presence turns her home into a furnace.  Terrified and trapped in her bathroom, Calliway nearly succumbs to the trauma of burning alive when she discovers the flames don't bother her as much.  They burn her clothes, her shower curtain, everything she owns, but her body is very much unaffected.  In fact, the flames invigorate her.  A power buried deep in her soul erupts as new wings wreathed in flame erupt from her back.

Despite being an opportunist and a rabid fan of fantasy novels and video games, an innate rage overcomes her and she attacks the demon.


Millions of years ago, Gaia was birthed from the Wyld chaos that created the universe.  Attracted to the life growing on Earth, Gaia took it upon herself to be its caretaker.

Over time, one mortal rose above the others and grabbed her attention.  Her name was Anastasia.  Blessing her with great power, she would spawn the legend of the Phoenix - dying in battle, only to rise again from her own ashes.

In a great conflict with Gaia and world-ending battle with Fenris, Anastasia's soul becomes shattered, scattered across the world and seeking out individuals, trying to find their way back.  Over thousands of years, these souls start to collect in one person.  Calliway is the most recent iteration and she has enough pieces of Anastasia's soul to manifest her powers, including her sword - one of the legendary Murisama blades - Cauter.

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